The UNESCO-EU Transcultura program launches a call for its ‘Caribbean Creative Lab’

Boost your project through technology, innovation, and collaboration!

This call is launched within the framework of T ranscultura: Integrating Cuba, the Caribbean, and the European Union through Culture and Creativity , a five-year program implemented by the UNESCO Regional Office in Havana with financial support from the European Union. The overall purpose of Transcultura is to deepen regional integration in the Caribbean and strengthen cooperation and exchange among the peoples of the region and with the European Union.

In this context, the ‘Caribbean Creative Lab’ is an incubator aimed at creative and cultural entrepreneurs in the region, primarily those interested in applying new technologies and digital solutions to their businesses.

The selected entrepreneurs will participate in a variety of enriching activities designed to scale their businesses, benefiting from:

  • Una semana de capacitación en línea (del 17 al 21 de marzo de 2025) sobre el impacto de las nuevas tecnologías y soluciones digitales aplicadas a los negocios, incluyendo, pero no limitado a: comprender la transformación digital, análisis de datos para la toma de decisiones, inteligencia artificial en operaciones comerciales, estrategias de marketing digital y sostenibilidad a través de la tecnología.

  • Personalized Mentorship for business pitch deck preparation and guidance. Once the challenges and selected business models have been defined, a network of experienced mentors from various relevant companies will prepare participants to deliver a professional pitch focused on their business objectives.

  • A one-week in-person residency (from March 31 to April 4, 2025) in Havana, Cuba, designed to apply newly acquired skills and knowledge to their businesses. Participants will have the opportunity to learn how to enhance and focus their businesses more effectively and professionally in competitive environments. Through personalized mentorship, they will connect with European experts who will share their skills and experiences to support the startups. Additionally, they will network with key figures in their industry and have the opportunity to establish partnerships and potential business collaborations.

  • Networking Opportunities. Throughout the program, participants will engage in meaningful interactions and effective exchanges with business facilitators, corporations, and investors. This initiative will serve as a connection hub for various stakeholders and an opportunity to establish strategic alliances that foster exponential growth for Caribbean enterprises, weaving a strong ecosystem within the cultural and creative industries.

To be eligible for the ‘Caribbean Creative Lab’ under UNESCO’s Transcultura Program, entrepreneurs must be between 18 and 35 years old and be citizens and legal residents of one of the following 17 Caribbean countries: Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Montserrat, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, and Trinidad and Tobago.

A Selection Committee, composed of experienced professionals, will choose a maximum of 10 young Caribbean entrepreneurs based on their background and business initiative/project.